Our private sessions will start with the first session dedicated to a comprehensive health history questionnaire and fitness assessment. Thereafter you will learn to safely and correctly perform the basic barbell lifts that form the foundation of an effective strength training program. You will learn: Squats, Presses and Deadlifts (Power Cleans and Power Snatches too, depending on your program). You will also learn how to program these lifts for continuous, long-term progress. Whether you’re new to barbell training or an experienced lifter struggling with your technique, our strength training methodology will help you to attain optimal health. We will also cover nutrition recommendations. In case of past injuries or physical limitations, your coach will customize your program to your specific needs so that you can train effectively for your specific situation.


Our online coaching starts with a questionnaire to analyze your training history, health history, medical concerns and training needs. After completing the questionnaire you get a 30 minute video call with your coach to discuss your program. Your coach will then design an individualized training program for your specific needs. Online coaching offers training-video (lifting form) breakdown with instant feedback of every workout from your coach, and also regular video calls to discuss your progress and other feedback. You will also have unlimited email support for all your training questions. Records suggest that those who commit to Online Coaching adhere to their training and nutrition program because of daily accountability, regular form-check and feedback from the coach. If you’re serious about your training but cannot commit to private coaching, sign-up for our Online Coaching for continuous guidance from your coach. If you decide to sign-up for Online Coaching, all you need is membership to a gym where there are barbells, squat racks, barbell weight plates and a bench. Unfortunately, this program won’t work without access to barbell, rack, or weights. A three month commitment is requisite for online coaching.


Barbell Technique Dx is a one-time two and a half hour intensive private session. During this session you will learn the detailed lifting technique of Squats, Presses and Deadlifts. Your coach will diagnose your lifting errors and cover the barbell lifts’ programming methodology. The coach will also cover nutrition guidance and answer all your questions to help you to understand the intricacies of barbell lifts and design an efficient strength training program. During this session you will experience proficient lifting instruction from your coach that will set you up for long term success in acquiring strength. If you're interested in getting stronger, but nervous or apprehensive about lifting, Barbell Technique Dx is for you.


Through our rehabilitation protocol we introduce incremental increase of exercise stimulus for the healing process. Our rehab program is based on the physiological as well as psychological aspect of training. This rehab protocol addresses the anxiety and fear of re-injury that accompanies post-surgery/post-injury rehab. Your psychological reaction to an injury lies in the central nervous system, which perceives exercise stimulus as a danger and thus it wants to protect you against further injury. This is achieved by the central nervous system by sending a pain signal. Pain is an indication of an automatic defense mechanism signal produced by the brain. However, this automatic defense mechanism signal is generated even in the absence of any tissue damage. Only appropriate exercise stimulus can overcome this neurological barrier for normal muscle and joint function. Our rehab protocol covers all physiological and psychological responses to pain.


Follow-up private sessions are available to clients who’ve trained with us via Online Coaching, Barbell Technique Dx and Private Coaching. Regular follow-up sessions will help you stay on course with your form check and other difficulties you may face with your training program. These sessions will give your coach an opportunity to identify the areas of improvement.  Our records suggests that clients who came in for at least two follow-up sessions a month made better progress in their following workouts.

If you are interested in strength training and want to discuss your health concerns/goals, feel free to contact us.